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2 books by Eden Unger Bowditch

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The Atomic Weight of Secrets or The Arrival of the Mysterious Men in Black
by Eden Unger Bowditch
In 1903, five truly brilliant young inventors, the children of the world's most important scientists, are taken from their lives and their parents by the mysterious men in black. They take twelve-year-old Jasper and six-year-old Lucy Modest from London, England; nine-year-old Wallace Banneker from New York; twelve-year-old Noah Canto-Sagas from Toronto, Canada; and thirteen-year-old Faye Vigyanveta from New Delhi, India, depositing them all at a strange, isolated farmhouse in Dayton, Ohio, with kindly schoolteacher Miss Brett. But what mysterious invention have all the children, unbeknownst to one another, been working on? Who are the men in black, and are they trying to kidnap them or protect them? And if they're trying to protect them from what? An amazing story about the wonders of science and the still greater wonders of friendship, "The Atomic Weight of Secrets," the first book of the Young Inventors Guild trilogy, is a novel readers will forever treasure."
Diverse cast.
race, multiple culture, South Asian, Black, MULTIPLE, QUESTION 2011 MG

The Ravens Of Solemano
by Eden Unger Bowditch

Series: Young Inventors' Guild
Book 2 of 3
It has been mere days since the brilliant children of the Young Inventors Guild escaped from the clutches of the horrible Komar Romak. They've escaped with their lovely and caring schoolteacher, Miss Brett; with their long-absent parents; and with their bizarre captors, protectors, or both--the mysterious men in black. And now they travel by train, destined for parts unknown. But a note torn from the hand of a dead man in a New York tunnel guarantees that safety is an illusion. When the children's world is blown apart, life will never be the same again. Soon, the children--Jasper and little Lucy Modest, from London, England; Wallace Banneker, from New York, United States; Noah Canto-Sagas, from Toronto, Canada; and Faye Vigyanveta, from Delhi, India--find themselves in the ancient Italian village of Solemano, deep in a mystery that spans centuries. As they inch toward the truth of the men in black and the secrets they keep, one terrible fact remains: Komar Romak is still out there. He's still after them, for reasons they can't even begin to imagine. And he knows exactly where they are . . .
Black and Indian characters
race, Black, South Asian, MULTIPLE, Unspecifed 2013 MG

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